Allama Iqbal Open University, since its establishment has been providing and expanding its educational and training facilities to help working people and females to enhance their qualification and occupational skills. Main features of AIOU may be described as under:
Institutional Profile
- Witnessed a rapid increase in recent years by course enrolment.
- The biggest university in the country with course enrolment of 1,806,214 by the year 2004-2005.
- More than 950 courses being offered in the year 2004-2005.
- 9 regional campuses, 23 regional centres and 90 part-time regional coordinating offices. 04 regional centres have also been planned for establishment in near future.
- Over 1400 Study Centres are established throughout Pakistan.
- The largest publishing house in Pakistan printing over 1.8 million books annually.
- More emphasis on science and technology by introducing programmes in disciplines like Physics, Agriculture Extension, Livestock Management and Nutrition, Forestry Extension, Telecom Engineering, Auto and Computer Science. Collaborating with private sector in establishing study centres to provide coaching and practical training in the fields of Computer Science and Management Sciences.
- The largest Teacher Education institution in Pakistan with average enrolment of 1 Million Students
- The first university in Pakistan to establish the student Database.
- Computerization at main campus and the regions by provision of around 700 PCs.
- Provision of networking facilities between the main campus and the region to exchange data/information and redressal of students’ complaints.
- Provision of Internet Bureau service at the main campus.
- Collaboration with Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)for providing lab facilities to AIOU students.
- Establishment of Resource Centre for Basic FunctionalEducation (mainly for illiterates), Literacy and Post Literacy materials.
- Pioneer institution in Pakistan to offer post-graduate levelprogrammes in Special Education.
- The only institution in the country offering post-graduateprogrammes in Educational Planning and Management.
- Introduction of Master’s, M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes to develop professionals and enhance research capabilities in teaching and research institutions.
- Well established Institute of Educational Technology (IET) having in-house facilities for production of TV, Radio and non-broadcast programmes.
- Broadcasting one hour television and fifteen minutes radio programmes daily.
- Establishment of Endowment Fund with initial amount Rs.15 million, in 1997, now reached Rs.1.218 billion for the development activities like:
- Computerization
- Staff development.
- Purchase of land for regional centres, construction of hostels for students.
- Construction of buildings of regional centres, academic blocks, multipurpose centre.
- Networking of regions with the main campus.
- Establishing data base at the main campus.
- Purchase of furniture, transport for students.
- Establishment of students assistance fund to help deserving students in payment of fees.
- Provision of free education in the University for its employees and their sons and daughters.
- Operating semester system offered twice a year i.e. Spring and Autumn.
Future Development
- Technology delivered Distance Education
- JICA Supported Projects
- Center for National Curriculum Studies
- 24 English Language Teaching Programs for Radio/TV delivery, sponsored by USAID.
- Science/Computer Science, Web-delivered Courses.
- FM Radio Broadcast License granted by PEMRA.Frequency Allocation and procurement of equipment under process.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education
- Earthquake Special Financial Assistance. Disaster/Environmental Management.
Student Profile
- More than 70 percent students employed.
- Female enrolment more than 50 percent.
- The rural-urban distribution of the students 58% and 42% respectively.
- No age limit for enrolment in University programmes.
- A student can continue at his own pace from semester to semester.
- At present a large number of clientele is in SSC, Intermediate, Bachelor and Teacher Education porgrammes. However for the last few years the university has been emphasizing more on higher education.
- AIOU has the facility available for learners to enroll for the course(s) of his choice at a particular level.