The difference between the traditional formal system of education and open distance system of education lies essentially in the teaching methodology. As far as the curriculum is concerned, it is more or less the same.
The university is part of the Ministry of Education/Higher Education Commission system and abides by the mutually agreed curricula. The difference essentially lies in terms of teaching methodology and for reaching out to the people in the four corners of the country at their doorsteps. The university employs non-formal method of correspondence, radio and television broadcasts, special textbooks and reading materials prepared on self-learning basis, part-time teachers (tutors) engaged nearest to the student's residences. And a system of study centers for applied training is spread throughout Pakistan.
Study Centers & Information Technology
The concept of study centers was first employed in the university for teaching practice in its education programs. Students enrolled in its PTC, CT and B. Ed. programs, were given teaching practice in the selected schools, and designated as the study centers. Recently, the concept of study centers for applied and practical training has been used extensively for professional and technical courses, for example, Business Administration, Computer Science and Information Technology.
Radio And TV Programs
The traditional method of teaching through correspondence and providing guidance through tutors was gradually supplemented by radio and television programs. The development of IET and its technical competence has made it possible for the university to produce quality audio and video programs, which are regularly broadcast on radio and television, and are also sent to the students in the form of audio and video cassettes. The IET facilities and Printing Press is being refurbished with 480 million rupees grant from JICA. The university is presently allowed one hour every day on PTV World which is not sufficient, for providing meaning full support in the large number of degrees and diplomas offered by the university,
Latest Development In The Communication & Information Technology
The latest development in the Communication and information Technology, particularly, the Satellite and Internet, have revolutionized the system of Distance Education. Satellite and Internet are being extensively used as a medium of instruction as well as a source of information. As we harness this technology for Distance Education, the traditional correspondence method and tutorial systems may be replaced by Distance teaching through the Satellite and Internet.
In order to guide the students during the semester, part-time tutors are appointed throughout the country out of the roster of qualified experts in each field available with the concerned region. Thus a group of students is assigned to a teacher/expert. A student seeks continuous guidance through correspondence, personal visits or face to face group coaching during, the tutorials. The tutorials are arranged at a Study Center established in institutions of formal education, or in the Regional Offices.
Media Programs
Many of the University programs and courses have audio/video or non-broadcast media support to help the students in learning and understanding concepts. These programs are broadcast / telecast according to a given schedule. Their copies are available at selected Study Center and for purchase by the students or any interested individual.
Students are required to submit two or four assignments to the tutors as per schedule who evaluates them, returns to the students with his positive comments. It is a student performance record and mode of feedback for the student. Assignments form a compulsory part of final evaluation of student. Non-credit courses usually do not have assignments or examination. In some courses students have to fill in a questionnaire based on its content at the end of the course.
Practical training for some courses is arranged at the study centers to develop necessary skills. Students, in certain subjects, are required to attend workshops at the end of the course and thus students have an opportunity not only to interact with their peer groups but also experts. The students are also required to make presentation during the workshops.
Face to Face Teaching
Has recently being started from those courses which require intensive practical/lab work or skill development.
Of short term and long term duration in industrial or business, concerns for Computer Science, BBA and MBA program.
Final Examination
The Final Examination is given on the pattern of public examination for each course at the end of semester. The weightge of assignment marks are 30% accept few programs i.e. BBA, MBA as detailed in respective program. The Final Examination counts 70%, while the aggregate require to pass course, generally 40% except where specify.