Computer based information system:
computer based system plays very important role in today. now a days all the businesses uses the computer information system.
Computer based information systems are often considered the bread and Butter MIS application. No matter how nervous upper management in a medium to large organization is about spending in the information system area it knows that it can not pull thee plug on its TPS and Survive.Management Information Systems
Nowadays, nearly all formal information systems require computers and are therefore called computer based information systems (CBIS). The type of data processing and the type of information required determines the computer application used within the CBIS. Four types of CBIS computer applications which have evolved since the 1960s can be distinguished: transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems, and knowledge based systems.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
This system processes transactions. A transaction is a sequence of steps that constitutes some well-defined business activity. Examples of transactions are: "admit patient in the hospital", "enter passenger on airplane", and "transfer 10000$ from account of Mr. X to Mr. Y". Hence, TP systems emphasize recording and storage of data. They evolved from the more primitive Electronic Data Processing (EDP) system, the first commercial computer application.
Management Information System (MIS)
the objective of MIS is to provide problem-solving information to a group of managers in a general way. This application originated during the 1960s. Since the goals (to provide management information to a group of managers) were often too diffuse and ambitious, many of the systems failed to operate efficiently. The concept of MIS evolved into the concept of Decision Support System (DSS).
Decision Support System (DSS)
DSS is an information-producing system aimed at a particular problem which is to be solved. Hence it emphasizes simulation and forecasting, both of which are involved in the manipulation, analysis and modeling of situations for the purposes of decision makers (company managers, politicians, government officials, etc.). DSS is used in tactical warfare, market analysis, scientific research, environmental management, etc.
knowledge Based System (KBS)
KBS are designed to represent and provide knowledge about a certain domain of expertise. Knowledge is considered to be information, which contributes to the human mind; information, on the other hand, is data placed in a particular context). More sophisticated forms of KBS mare the ‘expert systems’ (ES) which provide sound expertise in the form of diagnosis, instruction, prediction, advice and so on. They may also be used as training tools applicable within medicine, the military, science, law and engineering
Error level
With manual systems, an uncomfortable level of error often exists. Frequently, look up to the long prices, and prices incorrectly on invoices, or produce garbled journal entries or source documents. Sickness, worry, moodiness, and other inherently human variables can also contribute to high error rates in manual systems.