Thursday, March 13, 2025

Format of the Internship Report for MBA Finance

nbp internship report front page
1. Title Page
2. Acknowledgements
3. List of Contents
4. List of tables & illustrations, if any
5. Introduction
6. Objectives of studying the organization
7. Overview of the organization
7.1 Brief history
7.2 Nature of the organization
7.3 Business volume
7.4 Number of employees
7.5 Product lines
8. Organizational structure
8.1 Main offices
8.2 Comments on the organizational structure
9. Structure of the Finance Department
9.1 Number of employees working in the Finance Department
9.2 Finance & Accounting operations
10. Functions of the Finance Department
10.1 Accounting system of the organization
10.2 Finance system of the organization
10.3 Use of electronic data in decision-making
10.4 Mobilization of funds
10.5 Generation of funds
10.6 Sources of funds
10.7 Allocation of funds
11. Critical analysis of the theoretical concepts relating to practical experiences i.e. relate the theoretical concepts with your practical experience during your Internship with the Finance Department
11.1 Financial analysis (ratio analysis, horizontal & vertical analysis of the organization for the last five years)
11.2 Organization analysis with reference to the industries listed on the stock exchange
11.3 Behavior of the studied organization in allocation of various funds to different assets
11.4 Future prospects of the organization
12. Short-falls/weaknesses of the Finance Department
12.1 Critical analysis of the management patterns of the organization with reference to financial operations, weak areas that need to be improved.
13. Conclusions & recommendations for improvement
14. References & Sources used
15. Annexes


The report should be:
  1. Double space typed on A4 size,
  2. 75 gram paper,
  3. With bold headings & sub-headings,
  4. With margins set as top,
  5. Bottom & right 1 inch whereas left 1.5 inch.
  6. These typed pages should be hard board binding in black color consisting of 25 to 30 pages.
  7. Latest Mailing Address, Roll Number, Registration Number & Telephone Number should be clearly mentioned in the report.

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