Three Different Concepts of Probability
Sometimes a situation may be too complex to understand the physical nature of it well enough to calculate probabilities. However, by running a large number of trials and observing the outcomes, we can estimate the probability. This is the empirical probability based on long-run relative frequencies and is defined as the ratio of the number of observed outcomes favorable to the event divided by the total number of observed outcomes. The larger the number of trials, the more accurate the estimate of probability. If the system can be modeled by computer, then simulations can be performed in place of physical trials.
A manager frequently faces situations in which neither classical nor empirical probabilities are useful. For example, in a one-shot situation such as the launch of a unique product, the probability of success can neither be calculated nor estimated from repeated trials. However, the manager may make an educated guess of the probability. This subjective probability can be thought of as a person's degree of confidence that the event will occur. In absence of better information upon which to rely, subjective probability may be used to make logically consistent decisions, but the quality of those decisions depends on the accuracy of the subjective estimate.
Outcomes and Events
- heads, heads
- heads, tails
- tails, heads
- tails, tails
Given that the probability of each outcome is known, the probability of an event can be determined by summing the probabilities of the individual outcomes associated with the event.
A composite event is an event defined by the union or intersection of two events. The union of two events is expressed by the "or" function. For example, the probability that either Event A or Event B (or both) will occur is expressed by P(A or B). The intersection of two events is the probability that both events will occur and is expressed by the "and" function. For exampe, the probability that both Event A and Event B will occur is expressed by P(A and B).
Law of Addition
There are 5 outcomes that fall in the definition of Event A and 6 outcomes that fall in the definition of Event B. Assuming that each outcome represented by a dot occurs with equal probability, the probability if Event A is 5/25 or 1/5, and the probability of Event B is 6/25. The probability of Event A or Event B would be the total number of outcomes in the orange area divided by the total number of possible outcomes. The probability of Event A or Event B then is 9/25.
Note that this result is not simply the sum of the probabilities of each event, which would be equal to 11/25. Since there are two outcomes in the overlapping area, these outcomes are counted twice if we simply sum the probabilities of the two events. To prevent this double counting of the outcomes common to both events, we need to subtract the probability of those two outcomes so that they are counted only once. The result is the law of addition, which states that the probability of Event A or Event B (or both) occurring is given by:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
This addition rule is useful for determining the probability that at least one event will occur. Note that for mutually exclusive events there is no overlap of the two events so:
P(A and B) = 0
and the law of addition reduces to:
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
Conditional Probability
The probability that Event A also has occurred is the probability of Events A and B relative to the probability of Event B. Assuming equal probability outcomes, given two outcomes in the overlapping area and six outcomes in B, the probability that Event A occurred would be 2/6. More generally,
P(A given B) = P(A and B) /P(B)
Law of Multiplication
P(A and B) = P(A given B) x P(B)
For independent events, the probability of Event A is not affected by the occurance of Event B, so P(A given B) = P(A), and
P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B)