- Contract programmed and un-programmed decisions.Giving an example of each.
- Differentiate between classical and behavioral approach of management.
- Why coordination is important for effective management? Describe the three basic approaches to achieving effective coordination.
- What future of leadership theory you foresee in the 21th century? Give your answer with reasoning.
- Explain the trait approach of leadership.
- What is the difference between a manager and leader? Explain.
- How are planning and control linked?is control linked to the other management functions? Explain
- What is planning? How does environmental uncertainty effect planning?
- Discuss the scope,role and importance of management.
- Discuss with examples,various functioned of management.
- What do you understand by scientific management?also discuss aims and objectives of scientific management.
- Discuss various types of coordination and also explain various steps involved in effective coordination.
- What are various characteristics of sound planning?also state the limitations of planning.
- Write short notes on the followings
- Strategic management and importance
- Role and importance of budgeting in business
- Matrix organization
- Tactical planning
- Environmental scanning for business planning
- Role of grapevine in communication
- Discuss with examples,decision making process with reference to problem solving.also discuss results of irrational decisions.
- Compare and contract the classical approach with the behavioral approach of management.
- Give a comprehensive definition of a decision and enlist the different types of decisions.
- Discuss the decision making process and explain the decision making tools.
- Enlist and explain different types of plan.
- Discuss the planning briefly.
- How would you define organization?
- What is the relationship between authority,responsibility and accountability.
- How does leadership differ from management?
- What is organizational communication?how can managers encourage the flow of formal organizational communication?
- Write short notes on the followings
- a)motivation
- b)organizational change
- Explain the relationship between planning and controlling.
- Define the term budget.how can managers use a budget to control an organization?
- How does the management science school differ from the behavioral school of management.
- What does globalization mean for managers?
- Why are cultural differences important for organizations competing globally?
- What are the major causes of poor planning in an organization? Give some practical examples to substantiate your answer.
- Why managers do not delegate authority? Which measures can be adopted to decrease this reluctance?
- “No matter how much material resources an organization has,these things can not be used effectively unless there is a highly motivated team behind them”discuss
- Define control.what are the requirements of an adequate and effective control system? Enlist merits and demerits of financial control.
- “WE NEED LEADERS NOT MANAGERS” critically evaluate the statement.
- Define the term management? what are the basic functions of management? Discuss!
- What are the four basic stages in the rational model of decision making and problem solving?discuss
- Discuss Michael Porter’s five forces model of corporate strategy.
- Explain the path-goal theory of leadership.according to this theory, How do managers with different leadership styles differ in their ability to influence or reward subordinates?
- What is functional structure? how is different from a product market structure?what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
- What is motivation? and why it is important
- What does equity theory suggest about motivation,performance & satisfaction of individuals in the organization?
- Define the term communication? Explain the model of communication process.
- “Management is a goal oriented process”. Comment
- Briefly explain the various types of plans.
- Critically examine the Herzberg’s theory of motivation.
- Briefly review the concept of organizational culture.
- Write note on the followings
- Brain storming
- Teleconferencing
- Grapevine communication
- Risk analysis
- Decision trees
- Halo effect
- What may be the major reasons of organizational conflict? How would you deal with such conflicts?
- How can the symptoms of stress be recognized? and what action can be taken to reduce stress in jobs?
- Discuss the various requirements of effective appraisal systems?
- The development of management thought had been determined by times and conditions.do you agree or disagree with statement? Discuss
- Why decision making process is described as the essence of a Manager’s job?
- How might the Organization's culture influence the way in which managers make decisions?
- How is scanning the environment related to forecasting?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Quantitative planning tools and techniques?
- Why is organizing important? Elaborate!
- Which is more efficient,A wide or Narrow span of control? Why?
- Why must a manager be an effective leader?
- Can we say that the masculine or feminine leadership style are better? Why or why not?
- What motivates you to perform really well at some tasks?explain by using any of the motivation theories
- What is conflict? Is conflict bad or good or both for an organization? What are the five primary conflict resolution techniques?
- Describe the steps of control process.which step in the control process do you think is likely to be the most difficult?why?
- Contract the four management functions with Mintzbergs ten roles. and what are the similarities and differences between managers at different organizational levels?
- Describe the Hawthorne studies and their contribution to management practice.how did the industrial revolution increase the need for a formal theory of management.
- How can pressure groups constrain managerial discretion? and does culture affect a manager’s execution of the four managerial functions
- How do characteristics of a country’s economic environmental influence management practice?
- Contract formal and informal planning.what are some drawback of planning.
- How does new environmental uncertainty affect planning?
- How can benchmarking improve the quality of an organization’s product or processes? and what is the significance of the critical path in a PERT network?
- What is the goal of orientation? what is the purpose of having an effective and comprehensive organizational reward system.
- How can an MIS assist a manager in the control function? what are the steps implementing an MIS? and explain why financial controls are important