Actuating/Leading is considered the foundation of the management function. This is one of the four basic functions of management. It is the process of influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to achieve organizational goals. Once the organizational structure is in place and people have been assigned their tasks, in leading managers work directly with all members of the organization to help them, understand their goals and make their best possible contribution. |
Ability to lead others is a critical skill. Leading efforts are highly personalized and herein lies much of the challenges. In leading, a leader has the following basic challenges:
Challenge of Actuating/ Leading- Communicating with others.
- Helping to outline a vision of what can be accomplished.
- Providing direction. Motivating organization members to put forth the substantial effort required.
- Emphasizes working with people to win their enthusiasm, desire and energy for the achievement of mutual objectives.
- Reward by recognition and pay for work well done.
Basic to good management practice
The leaders apply power within the organization to influence individuals or groups of employees, peers, and managers, and they also use power outside the organization for achievements of goals. It is always not necessary for leaders to exercise their power in order to influence others. Often the possession of power and the potential of using it can be as effective as the power itself. |
To meet the challenges, the leaders use motivation. Motivation is the force that moves employees and managers to initiate, direct, and sustain behavior and action. Leaders must understand the forces that drive employees actions, how employees |
action, how employees channel their actions toward goal, and how high-performing behavior can be sustained. These elements are all part of the process of motivation. |
Leaders also design reward systems to encourage employees to achieve short-term and long term goals. |
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